Monday, June 8, 2009

June 2009

Book: Breath
by Tim Winton
Host: Margery A.


At June 13, 2009 at 10:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ladies, the publisher hasn't posted any questions for book clubs, so I am making up my own. I will post some here for your consideration before Tuesday.
1. In Breath we get to meet Bruce (Pikelet) as an adolescent and as a man aged about 40 or 50 years old. Do you think Bruce was able to grow and change after these forging events of his youth or did he stay the same? What stayed the same? What changed?
2. If you could meet Bruce today, what would you ask him? What advice would you give him?
3. Memory is reconstructive; we create it in the present with all the filters and knowledge and experiences we have at the time of remembering. With this in mind, imagine you could sit down and have coffee with Eva as a 40 year old and you could ask her to talk about that time in her mid twenties in Western Australia. How do you think she would remember it? How would she incorporate memories of that time into the person she is today?
4. What three words would you use to describe Winton's style and form in Breath? If you have read others of his works, how is this one different from the others?
5. Sando was 36 years old when he was taking this 12 yo and 13 yo out to surf giant and dangerous waves. Was he a mentor who was pushing the limits of his proteges' talent? Or was he using the vulnerability of these youths to heighten his own thrill seeking? Or were their adventures something else entirely?
6. What role did setting play in this story? Could this story have taken place somewhere else or some other time period? How would changing the time and place change the story?

At June 17, 2009 at 8:30 PM , Blogger Kelly Snelling said...

i really enjoyed this one. i liked the language, the philosophical aspects, the characters, the ocean. good one. and the discussion was one of the best we've had in a long time. at least for me. i like a little push and pull.


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